TWW Race Reports

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Track Fights #7

So I decided that I wanted to see where my fitness was and I wanted to get a taste of the road scene. Fortunately this is a very laid back event and my group was small - 10 racers. Matt the limey told me that the pace is easy for two laps and then fast for one. Rinse, repeat.

Did anyone tell you that Matt is a liar? I don't think anyone let up on the gas the entire time. Ridiculous the pace. I talked to two guys afterwards who said this was the fastest B race that they had done (they did 4 of the previous races). So great, I decide to mix it up with the roadies and I choose the fastest race to date. Good plan. One dude in a Saunier Duval kit just time trialed the entire thing off the front. Dude was strong, should probably move up to the A's.

I was all sketched out leading up to the race - would I crash? Could I sprint? Would I get lapped multiple times? Well, I ended up doing okay, got lapped late in the race. Kept the rubber side down. And took two fourth place finishes. I actually thought I got a second, but apparently I should've listened to the instructions on when your were supposed to sprint. I will be ready for the next one, the finale. I'll prepare a little better too, like maybe drink some water during the day.

Glad to have done this, although my upper hammies aren't too sure about it. I think I ended up 6th. I believe my teammate Matt got 5th, with a big winning sprint on the final sprint. Nicely done Matt - sorry I couldn't help you out more. You rode strong tonight. Met Rafael too, and I think he finished ahead of Matt and I since he didn't get lapped. Way to go!

See attached graph. I forgot to turn on the timer, so I started it after the first three laps were over. Definitely a tougher workout than I've ever done on the indoor trainer.

The finale is a team event, so let's see if we can get a good turnout. Matt,
Rafael, and I are in, probably Schlachter too. Who else is game?


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