TWW Race Reports

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sea Otter Race Report - Allan Sherlock

Sea Otter Classic
Cat 2 Single Speed
2nd place

The race started late 8:05 instead of 07:35 more time for the fog to clear out

The race started slow and easy, we started spinning like we do and off around the track

I said hey to Mark D, and I made a bee line to the front has people start to spread out as we round the corner on the track, I notice a spinning like mad racer around a 100 yards out so I announce this and then the pace starts to pick up,

I move in to 6th as we start our descent to the dirt, there's a rut on the right turn and two racers bobble I pass, up the little fire road now were heading down hill, pass two more with speed, keeping my momentum I roll through the rutted section of the trail and pass one more

As we make the left turn off the fire road then right turn on to the single track and the race in front of me brake hard and I go by, this trail is fun with no one to slow you down

I am in 2nd and in the flow of the trail come around bend in the trail and there is the first place guy fixing his bike, I am thinking what the just happen, holly $h#% I am in first at the Sea Otter, well the rest is just passing tandems and rolling,

The next thing I know there is some one is talking to me,

Hey is there any other SS in front of you,

No I say, I think he was fixing his bike back there

We climb together for a while pass Charles J from PB, the racer guy moves buy me, and I jump on his wheel and keep his pace, as we head down the first sand pit he bobbles and I go by, the race is pretty much this guy and me trading spots till the trail turns up for any time the he got some time on me, I see no one other than tandems till we get to the fire road home and I can see the guy in first out around fifty yards I catch the first place tandem and ride with them for a while, just at the top of the clime I hear him and then he pass me so jump on his wheel we drop from the fire road down to the bridge crossing and Right turn and then left on to single track and the guy bobbles and I go by I don't let up till I cross the line yells yea Second Place at the Sea Otter.



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